Spectating at the circuit guide. (Map at bottom of page)
The map below shows the Bronze viewing areas around the circuit. It's a fairly accurate reflection but from time to time different places have become restricted or accessible to spectators. However the majority of the bronze area I have shown on the map should be available. I will point out that certain areas can be closed during more minor events.
I have not yet covered grandstands. I may get on to this at some point but it is fair to say that pretty much every grandstand at the circuit gives you a great view and a giant TV as well. There are of course more spectacular views such as seeing the cars go through Ear Rouge. You can normally judge the quality of the view by the cost of a ticket.
BRONZE TICKETS: From my experience there are three top places to view with a Bronze ticket.
The first and probably my favourite is around the Pouhon corner. This is a blindingly quick bit of the circuit and to some extent, certainly with recent regulation allowing cars to take some other corners flat, this is a great place to see which cars have the best setup and which drivers have the confidence to throw the car in to it. It requires a lifting off of the gas pedal at just the correct place to remove just the right amount of speed but the car must be kept stable. It simply fantastic to watch. The run down to Pouhon has a very steep side to view from. You can look right down on the cars although it does become less steep towards the corner. However the banking allows for a perfect view. Anyone in front of you is normally well below you so you can see over quite well. They also added more TV screens around 2004 which means you can keep track of the race quite easily.
The exit of Pouhon is also good although the spectating area is rather flatter so if you are late arriving a good spot could be tricky. I arrived at the race with only about an hour to go back in 2004 and still got a perfect spot to watch from just before the turn in to Pouhon.
Another good place is the end of the Kemmel straight. This is of course a great passing place and therefore gives you lots of action. The only problem is that it's very busy for the above reason. Therefore you have to arrive pretty early to get a good spot.
Finally the Stavelot area is good. Not the best for finding a spot if you are late but it does give you a good view. Its impressive seeing the drivers trying their best to get through the corner and out as quick as possible as they know a slight mistake will give the car behind a very good chance of passing up at the bus stop. Its especially good since the removal of traction control on the cars.
All the above areas are best accessed from the south of the circuit. Although it does not look that far from the entries near La Source and Eau Rouge, believe me it is quite a walk as the parking (other than VIP) is quite a way from the circuit at that end. With the numbers visiting it makes walking to the south of the circuit hard work. I did it once. Never again.
One point I will make is that the recent revisions to the Bus Stop have altered the spectating arrangements for that area with regard to Bronze tickets. I have no experience of this area since it has changed from an F1 point of view. I did visit it during the Spa 24 hours but the crowd numbers at midnight were pretty slim so I could go where I wanted. I am interested to hear from any of you that have spectated at the Bus Stop since the last change.
[Comment from website visitor]
We always sit up on top of the long straight just after Eau Rouge on raceday - but move around the track Friday and Saturday.
Finally, please visit the 'How you can help?' section of the website if you have been to the circuit and can contribute to this site. The viewing aspect is arguably the most important part of the website so I am keen to hear from as many people as possible who have attended the circuit for any event and can give an opinion on the viewing experience they had.
